On Facebook, I tend to obsess over my flair collection. If you look through it, you'll find little bits of me, nicely packaged as bright buttons. I'm quite sure that I pay more attention to it than any of my friends have even considered paying it. All the same, if they do decide to check them out more thoroughly (maybe I'll get them curious by the end of this post), then they might be surprised.
For instance, one of my favorite pieces declares, "It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not." This has been so very true in my life. In insecurity, spawned from bad experiences and lies, I've insisted to myself that it can't be me; I won't make that shot, I'll look dumb trying to dance, I can't draw like that, poetry isn't coming out of my pen, and NO way is someone going to pick me over her (or him. The point is the feeling of inadequacy, in whatever situation). I mean, why would they? It's just not happening.
Along the way, however, each of these things have been proven wrong. Therefore, I AM capable of these things. It's inside of me. They're all small parts of who I am. I can make a 3-point shot.
BUT, here comes Fear. Fear says, "Hello, I'm going to eat you, so hold still." and proceeds to open his big fat mouth. He'd like very much to eat me alive. Fresh, spirited heart is his favorite thing, after all. And since he's not a very fast runner, Fear positions himself between me and my goal. He doesn't want to have to chase me down to get to me, may as well hit me where I'm already focused. We'll say that he's right smack between me and that basketball hoop. Picture a SciFi freeze-ray in his hand, too.
Me, I don't have much time to get the ball down the court and into the air before the buzzer sounds. Either I can let Fear freeze me by standing still (an open shot), I can pass the ball and run out of time (not to mention the risk of capture. My teammates are well covered by the defense), or I can push past Fear and shoot the ball.
Now, let's say that I've made that shot several times. It's very possible for me to make it. It's part of who I am, as I have that ability. I know how to judge the shot and throw the ball with enough power to cover the distance, because I've practiced. So why wouldn't I? Because Fear is one ugly monster. He's standing there, waiting to devour me. I'm quite afraid that I'll miss, and everyone will laugh/be mad at me for even trying.
The game is tied.
I HAVE to make this shot.
I can't go talk it through with a friend first for encouragement, either.
I glance at Leslie, the best player on the team, and I freak. I shouldn't've taken that ball down the court, she should have. I am such an idiot for thinking I could do it, knowing the time constraint. Pressure builds, I lose my focus. I crash into Fear, throw the ball halfheartedly, and the crowd can't help but be vocal in their disappointment, as it falls terribly short and one of my opponents catches it. Game over.
Now, what stopped me? The fact that I can make that shot (Who I am), or that Leslie can make it (who I think I'm not)? I don't stop because I can. I stop because I fear that I can't. I don't think much of myself as it is, but if I screw up and literally "drop the ball", maybe they won't like me at all. Maybe my friends will ditch me for trying something when I should've known better.
Bye-bye epic goal of the season.
Now, let's rewind, and pretend we still have the three choices: freak out/fear, pass to a guarded teammate (completely ditching your chances), take the shot.
Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (NKJV)
When people quote this verse, they tend to think of being able to lift a boulder over their heads. But God doesn't often give supernatural physical strength, though you can read about Samson to know that He has and can. Here, Christ strengthens our hearts to get through every hardship and painful experience (all things) that we have to deal with in this life.
Not to mention, those times where we've just seen so much pain, that it's hard to believe something good is happening. Oftentimes, it feels like too much to grasp it, because we're risking intense sorrow upon finding out that it's not. A hope shattered is a cruel thing.
Lord knows, sometimes we need more strength to risk something good or beautiful, whether an opportunity, a relationship/friendship, or that moment of victory, than when we need to suck it up and tough it out.
I'm here to tell you to take the shot.
And yes, this started with Pieces of Flair.
Very inspirational! Mind if I share with my friends? And I like the different view of Philippians 4:13. Most people don't see it in that way, while it should. If you need to pick up that bolder, God gives you the strength in your heart to have the courage to try. =) Thanks for sharing! Maybe I'll check your flair out now. XD
ReplyDeleteHaha! I secretly obsess over my flair, too! But Laura! You seem to only be using one of your flair boards! Did you know you can post so much more by using the second "denim" board and can "buy" others with flair points? ;) Maybe you're more self-controlled than I am.
ReplyDeleteI love Phil. 4:13. It also reminds me of Romans 8:37-39. Nothing is impossible with God and nothing can ever separate us from His love, not even the big ol' dumb Fear Monster. Alas, how easily we forget such things because we're distracted by the lies of the enemy. Sometimes I even think I'm the only one going through such fear and doubt while everyone else seems to have it together with their confidence.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and fears and hopes. We are never alone, for the Lord is always near, and we need not be alone when we have our brothers and sisters in Christ (for the times we *do* have a moment to ask their counsel). :)
I'm glad, Jake! No, I don't mind at all. It's set to public, so feel free to spread the link around. I was first introduced to that view, though it was worded differently, in a book called Lifetime Guarantee (which is really good, BTW). Ah, that's very true as well! Haha, good deal. =]
ReplyDeleteHahah, Sarah, that's great. ^^ Actually, I do know that, I just prefer the one board for some reason. Maybe it feels more compressed and organized, I'm not sure. Perhaps I'll expand my horizons at some point. ;]
That's a big, widespread lie when you feel like you're the only one who just keeps messing up. It's easy to see people once a week at church and think they've got it all together (or even more often), when there's so much more going on when you get into their home. Not necessarily bad, but we all struggle. There's really no way around it. I have had those thoughts at times, though, where you just wonder what your problem is.
You're very welcome, it's nice to have somewhere to get them out. :) Indeed, and I'm so thankful for that. He's really been teaching me how to just let Him guide me, and to put my trust in Him more than ever before.
Just a side note, "Leslie" and the specific situation are fabricated. I figure it's fairly evident, but may as well make sure.
Hahah, sharing Jesus and collecting money should never go hand-in-hand. I know you know that, though, so I won't go into that lecture. ;] Thanks very much! I won't. It certainly doesn't. =]
ReplyDeleteI'll see what I can do, Sir.