Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Beautiful Puzzle

God has mind-blowing, amazing intricacy.

When He's fond of an idea, He sets up every little, tiny piece to fall into place absolutely perfectly, and connects it to every other little piece, in all the puzzles of your life. It's incredible, beautiful, and far beyond me. I have an analytical, plan ahead, imaginative, detail-oriented, creative, inquisitive, easily intrigued mind. I think of all the possible outcomes of even a small situation for the fun of it.

The intensity of precision and care that God weaves into my life is absolutely astonishing, touching, and heart-exploding beautiful. I am overwhelmed by His thoughts for me.

All because He loves me. He's good. It's His very nature to be good. When something bad is happening, it's not from Him. He allows us to sin, and allows the sins of others to hurt us, because He's given us free will. If we didn't have the choice to do wrong, we wouldn't have the choice to do right. We wouldn't be able to truly choose having a relationship with Him. And when wrong is chosen and done, there are consequences.

Not to mention an arch-Enemy who wants to rip our hearts apart to keep us from fulfilling our destinies as children of God, and will do anything and use anyone open to him to do so.

No biggie.

No, really, "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
(Deuteronomy 31:8, NIV)

"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
(Isaiah 41:10, NLT)

He holds the whole world in His hands. Those hands are the safest place for my heart and my life, and I plan to leave them there. He made me who I am for a purpose, and He has a master plan. I have a feeling that I'm going to love it.

Truly, He's piecing my puzzle together and painting it beautifully.


  1. Beautifully put. :) I couldn't agree more. :)

  2. I love seeing pieces of the life puzzle come together and hearing how it happens for other people, too! God is always above and beyond our dreams. I feel an "inside joke" God and I have is that whenever I start imagining the most ideal way I think something should turn out, I catch myself and laugh and say, "Oh, God. Now that I've thought it, that's not what's going to happen, is it?" Sometimes I've been kind of on the right track, but for all the milestones and highlights in my life, the Lord's way is beyond my comprehension, and I can't thank Him enough for it. :)

    And dang it, Laura! I almost cried again reading your blog! lol. I read those same exact verses last night during an unexpected low point, and they, among a few others that were also about trusting God and Him having everything taken care of, helped restore my trust and peace.

    Hold fast to the amazing goodness He is bringing into your life and treasure the beautiful pieces He's fitting together, for He is a faithful God, promising and then performing, first speaking, and then fulfilling. :)

    Lord bless you! *hugs*

  3. Haha, I've had that happen before, with those exact same thoughts! He always knows best. =) It's still fun to imagine, though. ^^ Mhm, even if it's the right track, there are still surprises. :]

    That is beyond awesome, Sarah! To all of that second paragraph. I almost left it at the verse from Deuteronomy, but felt strongly to add the one in Isaiah (which I have memorized. I first found it on a car bumper sticker). =)

    I definitely will. I've gotten plain fed-up with doubting good things anymore! He is so, so faithful, for sure. :]

    Thanks so much! *hugs*
