Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Grabbing My Notebook

I have never been forsaken. Never will be. Maybe by people, but not by God. He looks at me with love that passes far beyond anything this world has to offer. He doesn't double-cross, He's not a double-agent. He's got my back. He's got my heart. He's got my life, my love, my trust. He's got all of me. Sometimes I stray. Sometimes everything hurts. Sometimes I can't think straight. All the time, He is watching over me.

And yet, I don't always surrender my whole heart. Some days, I'm just too busy. Hm... oh, and I need to get to bed on time. I've got SUCH a full schedule tomorrow. I mean, my word, is it packed. I'll talk to God the day after that. He'll understand.

No, dear. He's a jealous God. He longs to spend time with you. Talking with your Beloved is such an important part of a full life. No serious relationship can work if you don't communicate with one another. You can't learn to trust someone if you don't know who they are deep inside, within their heart of hearts. It's just that way with God. Take that time to simply be with Him, the way you would be with any other person whom you love dearly.

So, maybe, I'll get up a little earlier, grab my notebook, and talk to Him. One of the easiest ways for me to pray is to write. Sometimes it's easier for me to express "what's up?" with pencil and paper, or keyboard and screen, then to verbalize it, or form it into thoughts. Especially when I've got jumbled thoughts and prayers flowing through my stream of consciousness like my blood flows through my veins. There's something about getting it right there in front of me, in physical form, that helps me process things. Thank God for that.

What if we all found a constructive outlet for emotions? Like sports, exercise, drama/theatre, dance, sketching or painting, writing, singing or playing an instrument, or even reading a book. In addition, talking to friends and/or family can help a lot, but there's not always someone you can trust nearby. You've got to know that who you're talking to won't fade out, or turn on you. How can you?

I have this great secret! Lean in close:

There's always God! He's always listening, watching. He is attentive, He knows where your heart is. No matter what form of communication you choose, He picks up your signals, even if they're in smoke. He made you. You're a hand-crafted, unique, incredible person. You've got your own gifts and abilities, and often as not, the same things you do for the love of it can help you cope with the pain of life. Often, the passion fueled by heartache can create something uniquely beautiful, that you would never have mastered otherwise. Think about it. Maybe some good really can come out of this mess of me.


  1. Laura Rozar, you should write up a devotional for young ladies with some of the thoughts you compose on here. :) You share truths about your heart and God's heart for you that many young people need to hear.

    It just so happens that I wrote a note to God tonight during some prayer time at our Bible study. :) Sometimes I like to write rather than just pray silently... seems to help me focus and take more time with my prayers. In fact, our focus tonight was about God being our friend and how important it is to spend time with Him.

    You're a mess... I'm a mess... It's the jumble within those of us who breathe and live, but an intricately gorgeous mess in the hands of a divine Artist.

  2. Oh my lord. I'm going to quote you in my next blog and have a spin off on how I relate to this. AWESOME RAW STUFF, GIRL! I was thinking about you this week a lot, especially yesterday. We need to hang out and talk...get down to the nitty gritty so to speak ;-)

  3. Thank you both so much! Your encouragement means a lot to me right now. Writing is keeping me sane, and to hear that someone appreciates what's coming out really helps.

    Yes, we should definitely hang out, Jenny. For real this time, since we keep saying it! Message me on Facebook, so we can work something out.
