Wednesday, September 8, 2010

In This Moment

Sometimes, all that's left for me is to rest in God. To play some music, God-enthused lyrics coming through the headphones, and rest. Let Him calm my heart when it cannot calm itself. He truly is there for me when none other is, or can be. When an impossibly treacherous journey lies before me, and I must stay strong despite the rain. When it all falls apart, and I'm left to the dark of this world. Its pain, confusion, and deepest heartache. When I miss someone desperately, or need to find new hope. Stabbed in the back, maybe. When I let Him, He'll restore my peace and bring me through. He always has. Oh, Lord... I am so thankful.

I'm soaking in His peace as I write this. This quiet love is healing my heart. I'll still trip and stumble, and there are many walls left to scale, bridges left to cross, and valleys that I must endure to reach the mountaintop, my eureka. But that mountain will be beautiful, and so much more than worth it. I know this, because I trust Him. I trust that He wouldn't let something so bad happen if He wasn't going to birth and multiply good from within the mess. In every situation where I have dealt with intense emotional pain, there's been a choice: keep striving after Him, or give up to my Enemy. To Satan.

My answer's clear, and I will keep pressing on with my God by my side. He gets me through.

Mmm... and not only that, but He loves me and teaches me as we go. I'll learn new things for next time, it won't be a waste. I'll have a new understanding of His heart when I need more of His heart; when I have to dig and hunt. He sweeps me into His arms when something's just too much, and He carries me. It looks like one set of footprints, because it is - His prints, left by One who loves enough to take the burden upon Himself. The love of my sweet Jesus is far beyond comprehension, or even reason. I cannot reason enough to figure out why it's worth it to save me over and over again. But my Knight hasn't left me. He promised that He won't, and He's reminding me of His presence yet again. In this moment, I have serenity. In this moment, I will press on.

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